Ever wonder what books, articles, and even podcasts will help you learn about farming, food, and sustainability? Well, a here’s a starting point.
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Required Reading
A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold. (Not about Farming, but a classic about our natural environment. Beautifully written and evocative.)
Botany of Desire: a plant’s eye view of the world. Michael Pollan
Fast food nation : the dark side of the all-American meal. Eric Schlosser
Harvest for Hope. Jane Goodall
In Defense of Food: an eater’s manifesto. Michael Pollan
Kitchen Literacy: How we lost knowledge of where food comes from and why we need to get it back. Ann Vileisis
Omnivore’s Dilemma: a natural history of four meals. Michael Pollan
No time to read? Some of the above titles are also available as MP3 or Audiobooks. Check your local library for titles or ask to interlibrary loan them!
Required Listening – Available for Free through I-tunes.
Agroinnovations http://agroinnovations.com/podcast/
Deconstructing Dinner http://www.kootenaycoopradio.com deconstructingdinner/
iEatGreen http://www.ieatgreen.com
The Alternative Kitchen Garden http://emmacooper.org/podcast
Find more by searching the iTunes Store with keywords like: sustainable, organic...
Required Watching
Food Inc
King Corn
The Future of Food watch it here!
The real dirt on Farmer John
The Garden
Supersize me
More Films about food can be found here:
Online Videos – Though not necessarily only about food and farming, these online videos are educational, thought provoking, and down-right interesting.
The story of Stuff
Ted Talks